Information, reviews, and miscellaneous shorts focusing on professional, nonprofit theater—from a Southeast Minnesota perspective.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Acting Opportunity for Original Shorts

Theatre du Mississippi has an opportunity for two actors to perform in their production of, 'Original Shorts,' the second annual staged readings of the One Act Play contest winners.

Description of needed actors:

--Female, late 40's-60, vivacious, funny, quick-witted. Plays a neighbor to the main   
  character who verbally spars with him, trying to cheer him up.
--Male, late 30's to 60, to play a creepy/slimy landlord. 

Dates of 'Original Shorts':
--May 3rd and 4th, 7:30pm
--May 5th, 2:00pm

Rehearsals will take place during the week before the performance dates.
Rehearsals and performances will take place at the Masonic Theater in Winona, MN.

Contact Paul Sannerud at ASAP if interested!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ibsen Fest is here

Large crowds are in Lanesboro today for Ibsen Fest 2013.

The role of women in Ibsen is today's theme. Great lecture this morning by Astrid Saether. The Tarantella on tap after lunch.

There are two displays in the lobby featuring women's costumes and jewelry (Janis Martin, Liz Bucheit). Both are cool. One features large photos of Commonweal actors adorned with Liz's silver work. Photos by Ethan of the apprentice company. Visit the Commonweal for a schedule