Jon Hassler Theater presents its Summer Sampler

Boxelder Bug Variations: A Tribute to author Bill Holm
August 8th 8:00 p.m.

Minnesota poet Bill Holm set down his musings on boxelder bugs in both word and music in his 1985 book, Boxelder Bug Variations. Sally Childs first adapted Holm's work to the stage in 1987, incorporating music and dance. This production will be Child's third reworking of the production, and the second for the Jon Hassler.
Boxelder Bug Variations, in its reading format, will feature Twin Cities actors Terry Lynn Carlson, Beth Desotelle and Suzanna Winter who were also featured in the 2001 presentation of the work at the Hassler; Jon Hassler Theater Producer and General Manager Carter Martin (making a rare foray onto the stage), and Childs herself providing narration. Preceding the presentation, poet John Rezmerksi, who works with the Holm estate, will speak on Holm's legacy. Childs will also provide a history of the show's beginnings and will be supported by excerpts from Holm's book of essays, "The Music of Failure" read by Nancy Gormley and Angela Griffin, accompanied by slides of the prairie taken by Nancy Campbell.
Wisecracks From My Father

by Leslye Orr
August 14, 15; 8:00 p.m.
Featuring the return of the delightfully zany Leslye Orr with her new one-woman show, Wisecracks from My Father, in which she relates episodes from her father's life—growing up in St. Paul during the Depression era, living at the Angus Hotel, surviving Spam during WWII, and becoming the father of eight kids while delivering 10,000 more as an OBGYN in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up!

by David Harris
August 22, 7:00 p.m.
David Harris will delight audiences of all ages with this adept and wacky physical comedy show. What I Want to be When I Grow Up! is acrobatic theater in action! Follow the incredible adventures of a would be super-hero, professional bowler, adventure tourist and lasso slinging cowboy. Each adventure is packed with goofy fun, daring stunts, and amazing skill. Watch David dream the dream of becoming anything imaginable. 100% safe for audiences of all ages.
Revelations of Mann

by David Man
August 28, 29; 8:00 p.m.
In this comic, compelling one-man show, David recreates his trials and tribulations as a young, somewhat Lutheran theatre teacher in a Catholic high school. Revelations of Mann will appeal to audiences who are still in high school as well as to those who graduated long ago!
Visit the John Hassler Theater online for schedules and tickets:
Phone the Jon Hassler Theater at 507-534-2900.
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